The 11th Hour
A Contemporary Analysis


An Astrological Note

We recall the Word for Capricorn, “Lost am in Light Supernal, yet on that Light I turn my back.” This is the situation we face as we turn our attention to Aquarius. We are full of light. Our job now is to shine that light into the darkness. This pretty much sets up the 11th labor that Hercules takes on.

The Labor

The Job that was handed to Hercules was ripe. It had to do with cleansing “ancient evil” from a country. Augeas, the king of this country was your typical materialist paradigm “Old World Order” type of guy. He was much more interested in being The King than running the country and cleaning stuff up. Years and years of this sort of rule had allowed the fields and stables to become buried in animal waste. The whole place stunk to high heaven, and the fields were so deep in dung, nothing would grow. As a result, the people were dying of disease and pestilence.

After cutting a deal with the shifty Augeas, Hercules diverted the water from two rivers so that it flowed through the stables and cleaned them of the tons of accumulated dung. The king, being your typical “Old World Order” wheeler, dealer reneged on the deal he had made with Hercules and had Hercules kicked out of the country.

The Analysis:

Under the materialist paradigm of the Old World Order, The ruling class run their countries to suit themselves. This is so weather we are talking about an actual country such as The United States or an individual person such as ourselves. In this light, the tale of Hercules 11th labor takes on some interesting meaning and significances.

For a very long time, and recognizable for at least the past 5 or 6 hundred years, humanity, under the ageless impulse of a spiritual paradigm, has been painstakingly building, brick by brick, or better, concept by concept a New World Order. This New Order is based on the essential divinity of each and every human being and on the inalienable right of individual freedom and liberty for all people regardless of where on the planet they live or any other aspect of their particular humanity. This New World Order recognizes the responsibility and the right of free people to make the determinations about what their governments will and will not do. In the United States this particular concept was spelled out as Government of the people, for the people and by the people. What part of that statement, one wonders, is often not understood by the members of our government?

Well, it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to see our present predicament vis-à-vis the current assault being mounted and implemented by the forces of the old World Order on this spiritual paradigm and New World Order, as paralleling the conditions in the myth concerning Hercules 11th labor. It is, I think, good to recall and recognize that this spiritual paradigm and new world order which I keep mentioning is one for which we have already fought and died by the millions

The Contemporary Challenge

So, the big difference between to day and the situation faced by Hercules in King Augeas country is that Hercules is not around now to come in and clean out the stables for us. Today, we are Hercules. Today, every one of us, woman or man needs to be a Hercules. If we want the stables cleaned, we are going to have to clean them ourselves. Also, of importance to note is the fact that this job was for Hercules the 11th labor, and for us friends it is the 11th hour.

So that’s the macro picture. The micro, the individual picture is similar. Hercules today will be made up of those disciples who can turn the rivers of life and love, that Light Supernal with which we are filled from our exposure in Capricorn, into the course of service for the whole. And this means that for a starting place, we need to clean up our own stables. To be a Hercules we need to run the fire of love and will through our own stables, our own equipment which in many cases has become relatively clogged with the waste of the materialist paradigm and the Old World Order, or, to be a bit more specific, with material possessions and personal attention, with self concern, self focus and self indulgence.

The esoteric implications of this sign are numerous. It would be interesting, as one small example, for us to consider the effect of bringing new spiritual energy into our systems, of raising the frequency of our spiritual livingness. It would be interesting to consider what that will do to our bodies and to our environments.

Tonight, when we make the connection between our group mind and the Spiritual Hierarchy, let us realize that we are bringing the waters of the spirit into the group heart and through ourselves into the world.

Tom Carney Aquarius, 2003